
Designing Iron Wallet: a developer-centric crypto wallet to give web3 developers the tools they deserve
11-17, 18:00–18:30 (Europe/Istanbul), Conference Room 1

Iron is a crypto wallet built from the ground up with development & debugging in mind. It bundles together features that, as of now, exist only as loose CLI tools and 3rd party websites and, guess what? It all runs locally on your device, with fully open-source code. In this talk, we'll delve into our design process.

In this lightning talk, we will unveil the design process of Iron Wallet, crafted from the ground up with development and debugging as its guiding principles. Iron Wallet bundles together features that until now existed only as loose CLI tools and are scattered across third-party websites. This talk will delve into the crucial aspects of product discovery, user research, user experience decisions, and testing that aim to make Iron Wallet a game-changer in the crypto space.

The story of Iron Wallet began with a bold vision to reimagine the crypto wallet experience. The design journey commenced with extensive product discovery, where we delved deep into the crypto landscape to understand the pain points and challenges faced by web3 developers. We conducted in-depth market research and competitor analysis to identify gaps and opportunities. This groundwork laid the foundation for Iron Wallet, as we aimed to address the complex needs of developers while providing them with a seamless solution.

Empathy is at the core of our design process, and user research is playing a pivotal role in shaping Iron Wallet. Through interviews and usability testing, we are engaging with potential users to gain valuable insights into their behaviors, preferences, and pain points. By understanding their needs and desires, we aim to be able to create a user-centric crypto wallet that truly catered to their requirements.

User experience was a top priority throughout the design process. We are meticulously crafting each interaction and element of Iron Wallet to ensure a seamless and intuitive user journey. From the initial onboarding to completing complex transactions, every step is being optimized for clarity and efficiency. Our design decisions are influenced by extensive user feedback, resulting in a sleek and user-friendly interface that enhanced engagement and trust. Iron Wallet's design language and branding were carefully curated to reflect our core values.

By leveraging product discovery, user research, user experience decisions, and rigorous testing, Iron Wallet aims to be a revolutionary force in the crypto world, simplifying the complexities of being a developer in the web3 space and giving them the tools they deserve.

A product designer passionate about people, technology, and building meaningful products. Crafting Iron Wallet - a developer-centric crypto wallet to give web3 developers the tools they deserve.