
Nichanan Kesonpat

Nichanan Kesonpat is a research analyst at 1kx, where she focuses on wallet infrastructure and developer tooling markets. To date, her research work expands across DAO tooling, NFT finance, creator economy, wallets, and decentralized identity. Prior to 1kx, she worked as a smart contract engineer at Upstate Interactive (acq. DCG Foundry) and Mochi.game. Her research can be found at https://medium.com/@nichanank

Twitter: @nichanank


The Path to Interoperability for Embedded Wallets
Nichanan Kesonpat

Explore the design space to achieve interoperability for embedded wallets, including but not limited to privacy considerations, permissions management (e.g. for app- and session keys), and tooling that helps users manage multiple accounts across dapps and chains.

Conference Room 1