
WalletUnCon - Lightning Talks + Workshops

Do you want to improve the wallet ecosystem? Then this is your chance to put forward a problem, a solution, or a collaboration proposal that you've been thinking about you for a while, or even just an idea you've been thinking about. Our collaborative event welcomes everyone with insights to any collaborative conversation about user design, security, and/or ergonomics as long as they can commit to sharing ideas respectively and productively (DevCon's code of conduct applies!).

There are two halves to our event: lightning talks in the morning to level-set and inspire your collaborators and "unconference"-style workshops in the afternoon to roll up our sleeves and make real progress on common ideas. Please make sure you can attend at least the entire half-event you are proposing for, as the lightning schedule won't be final until days before the event and the unconference won't be pre-scheduled!

What makes a good lightning talk?

  • Short and sweet. Each talk is only going to get around 10 minutes per lightening talk to share your idea. The real nuts and bolts should be focus on the follow-up unconference sessions (feel free to print up "crib sheets" or "one-pagers" if you want participants to take away some notes-- or take them to the workshop sessions).
  • Relevance. The more burning the problem space, the better. While we love discussing the middle-term future, we're really looking to inspire ideas that we can go away and address ASAP.
  • Inclusive. Wallets are meant to be the user agent of web3, and they need to share infrastructure and interfaces to drive innovation and user agency. Please refrain from bringing in topics or technologies that are closed-source, patented, specific to one chain or product, etc-- this is not the place to advanced walled-garden tech.

What makes a good workshop?

  • Right-sized. Each workshop time slot is 30min and should be composable with, and complementary to, the other workshops. Don't bite off more than you can make real progress on in 30. Conversely, don't ask straightforward research questions that are answerable in less than 30minutes, because you will have very knowledgeable interlocutors! The sweet spot is somewhere in between.
  • Relevance. Synergy with today's problems (practical, composable privacy; account abstraction architectures; multi-chain mechanics) and with the morning's presentations (how can we use and apply what was showcased in the next few quarters?) is crucial.
  • Inclusive. Frame your topic and scope in such a way that it would not only be interesting to a narrow audience, but that those adjacent wizards would have constructive and useful contributions to make.
  • Open - Co-design is not zero-sum and being open to surprises and unfamiliar perspectives is the best way to be open to unexpected upsides.

Other Frequently-Asked Questions

  • Can I propose both a lightning talk AND a workshop session?
    Yes, as long as they both compete on their own merits and attendance in the former is NOT a requirement for productive contribution to the latter. Consider making a "onepager" or cribsheet, to help those that miss the former catch up quickly.

  • Can I propose a workshop last-minute at the event?
    Yes, it IS still an unconference! Pre-registering workshop slots just lets us pre-populate the schedule with a few "anchor sessions" that allow people to avoid time-conflicts with sessions they (or their target interlocutors) also want to attend.

  • Can anyone give a lightning talk?
    Anyone with a ticket whose proposal is accepted! Note the earlier deadline

This Call for Papers closed on 2023-11-02 23:59 (Europe/Istanbul).